Meet BooManChoo


Kevin Bussinger

I has been a high school coach and math teacher in and around the Austin Texas area since 1997. Through out these many years, I have had the honor of coaching literally thousands of athletes, not to mention the number of fellow coaches and mind blowing numbers of students taught. It is humbling to think of the number of lives I have had the pleasure of being a part of.

Jen and I just celebrated out 27th year of marriage and have 3 wonderful daughters

Ari just completed her 2nd year of college at SCAD Atlanta.

Taya will be a graduating and going to Arkansas.

Taryn will be a Junior and also plays basketball for me.

Coaching is without a doubt a calling, and I am blessed to be able to have an impact on these young adults.

Thank you to all of you that have been called to lead our youth and I thank you for the the support of my small business.

Thank you

Kevin Bussinger